Kino der Toten (German for "Cinema Of The Dead") is a Nazi Zombies map featured in Call of Duty Black Ops. The map is automatically unlocked for play at the start of the game. The Pack-A-Punch Machine does return, along with the MP40 but the rest of the guns are Cold War weapons. Monkey Bombs also return along with the Ray Gun. There is also a new Wonder Weapon called the Thundergun, which sprays a large burst of wind that sends all zombies in a radius spiraling into the air. This replaces the Wunderwaffe DG-2. All the characters from Shi No Numa and Der Riese have returned but are more tattered and tired from fighting zombies in Shi No Numa and Der Riese. Kino der Toten is set after the horde of Zombies in Der Riese overwhelming the foursome making them teleport to the main platform that is seen in Der Riese's mainframe. However, the teleporter is damaged and suffers a malfunction causing the group to arrive in the late 1960s in Germany. The normal zombies and hellhounds have returned, but a new zombie called the Gas Zombie makes its debut here. The Gas Zombie is a swift zombie that runs around on all fours and explodes in a cloud of Nova-6 gas which blurs the players screen and inflicts damage to their health. They are naked except for a pair of ripped pants and have a sickly green skin which is caused by the effects of Nova-6. Gas Zombies can be quite sneaky and difficult to find as they stay close to the ground. The gas zombies only appear after the power has been activated. The gas zombies come through the holes that are created because of the power activation, but their are already hole in the roof before the power is turned on. Do they just wait for a certain hole or the crowd around the openings waiting for the power to turn on. There are 9 rooms in this map. The first is the lobby.
This is the starting room. It is quite large and has plenty of room to run around. It also contains the teleporter "mainframe link." Quick Revive for 1500 points (500 points on solo), an M14 for 500 points, an Olympia for 500 points and a Mystery Box for 950 points spawn are located here. There are a total of four windows. There are 3 doors available for moving to new rooms and areas at the top right of the staircase, one to the left under the staircase and one directly ahead under the staircase which can not be opened until the power has been activated. It is not advised to stay here past round 5. There is also a meteor you can find in the corner of the room in a jar by the bottom window, if you hold the use button/key on all three of them you can listen to the new song "115", by Elena Siegman. A great strategy to use here is to shoot zombies with a whole magazine of pistol ammo in the legs, and then knife them. This is the best for points, usually getting you about 2,000 before you run out of ammo, but runs a higher risk of being overwhelmed by zombies.You can also see the mystery box from the far window near the Quick Revive. If you go to the window on the top floor and look towards the right, you can see a couple of portraits of a unknown person, like the one next to the portraits of the four main characters.
Lower Hall
This room is accessed by opening up the downstairs door of the Lobby. It is a fairly confined space, but with only two windows, it is very easy to hold out in here. An MPL for 1000 points and a Mystery Box spawn point are also in here. This room also has one of the few Fire Pit traps on the map.
This "room" is very tight and can be difficult to maneuver around, but it can be easy to defend. It is recommended to go by the side closest to the Back Room during a Hellhound round. Double Tap is located on the end closest to the starting area-and it's right by a Zombie spawn point. An AK-74u is also located in the Alley. Note that Zombies will jump down from the roof of the building very often. Watch everywhere, or you may find yourself overwhelmed.
Even though this is one of the only ways to get to the power switch (The other being through the door to the right of the mainframe in the starting room), it is not advised that people who are new to Nazi Zombies should not go this way, for the reasons above.
Back Room
This room connects the Alley to the Stairwell down to Stage Right. It's suggested to get out of this room as fast as possible. There are three Zombie spawns located here, one Electroshock Defenses and a Mystery Box spawn point. This room consists of one the three meteors you can hold down the "use" button to listen to the new song. You will find the meteor next to one of the windows on a shelf next to a bunch of random black letters.
This is the largest room, but it can be very disorienting. Two Mystery Box spawns are located here. The Power Switch is located here too. The power switch is located near the teleporter. Claymores (1000), an M16, the Bowie Knife (3000) and Juggernog (3000) can all be bought here. The only Teleporter is located on the Stage and must be linked to the mainframe in the Main Lobby every time before being used. With this teleporter, you teleport to the projector room, above the theater. Zombies spawn from the four windows in this large room and from numerous places on the ceiling and balconies. The podium on center stage has a Sentry Gun which can be activated for 1500 points and runs for approximately 30 seconds. When you first enter the theater, when the power is off, the curtain is closed leaving most of the room unreachable. When you turn the power on the curtain will open and holes will appear in the roof of most of the rooms. Making room for the gas crawlers to come.
Dressing Room
This room is a little larger than the Back Room. There are two windows, two Electroshock Defenses, and a Mystery Box spawn. The MP5K is also available for purchase off the wall in this room. This is the last room with a meteor in it to unlock the new song. By holding the 'use' button down on the meteor on a black table near one of the windows, this will unlock you the song, if you have already obtained the other two meteors. Watch out, because there is also a hole in the ceiling here, perhaps added to balance this side out with the left side (as the left side has the alley, where zombies can jump down from the roof). Do not dwell in this room too much as zombies can get in fast and it is a small, cramped area.
This is one of the larger rooms, and it has plenty of room to run around in. However, there are three windows in here. The second, and only other Sentry Gun on this map is located here. Speed Cola (3000) is also located here, along with an MP40 (1000) and the Stakeout (1500).
Upper Hall
This room is small and hard to maneuver around. However, there is a narrow hallway with an Electro-Shock Defense in it, making holding out in this room easy as long as there is a person covering the window that's behind the hallway and watching for the zombies that fall from the ceiling. There is a Mystery Box spawn and a PM63 here.
This room is only accessible via the Teleporter on the Stage. The Room is directly above the main floor entryway and is the Projection room for the Theater. It contains Grenades, the Pack-a-Punch Machine and the projector. This room is the only source of purchasable Grenades. The projector can be loaded with various film reels found in the random rooms. The film reels will project images on the theater screen, some will contain audio difficult to hear over the screams of the undead. If all players (excluding downed ones) take the Teleporter to this room at the same time the Zombies gather directly in front of the stage which is visible from the only window. After 30 seconds, the player will teleport out of it, possibly into a random room for a few seconds and then always back to the Main Lobby Telepad. Note that all the zombies that previously gathered in front of the theater, now run to the mainframe to attack the player(s), so it is not wise to run to the theater immediately. Also on a table to the right of the Pack-a-Punch machine, there is a name tag that say Ludvig Maxis M.D, a book titled Edward Richtofen and fragments of the meteor
Random Rooms
The Random Rooms are, as they say, random. They sometimes contain a power up. Also sometimes a film roll will appear in the rooms.
Dentist's Office
There is also a room that looks like a dentists with a chair and large lights surrounding it. A tooth drill can be heard nearby. This seems to be one of the rooms in Verruckt. This can sometimes be confused with the interrogation room from the Campaign and the Main Menu. The film reel in this room is located on the metal stand next to the operating chair.
Conference Room
Another room resembles one of the rooms in the map "Five", possibly the film room that is seen through the windows, or a completely different area, there's also a vending machine, possibly Speed Cola, in the room as well. The film reel in this room is on the television in the middle of the room. Occasionally a power up will spawn in the room with the player.
Samantha's Room
This room contains a bed with a Monkey Bomb on it, an open toy chest in the corner that resembles the Mystery Box, a chess table with a teddy bear sitting in front of it, a smaller table with a teddy sat on a chair in front of it, along with the four Perk a Cola bottles on top set up like a tea party and a wood carving of Der Riese with Dempsey, Nikolai, Takeo and Richtofen on top of it as little dolls and a teddy bear standing over them nearby. This room is moderately disturbing as it takes place in a very subtle environment, yet it still brings unpleasant eeriness to the room. Samantha can be heard laughing and giggling along with other eerie voices whispering and a voice calling for her. A destroyed version of this room is also available to view in the level. The film reel is on the chess table.
Samantha's Room (destroyed/zombified)
The room's structure is the same except there is blood splattered everywhere. The room brings a more disturbing and frightening touch to the once lonely and slightly disturbing room. As you look around, you will realize everything has been disoriented and/or destroyed in an unpleasant way. Tables are knocked over, curtains are torn, etc. You will also see everything with strong blood-red tint. Also there is a pile of Teddy Bears covering the scale model of Der Riese with one big Teddy Bear over all. One of its eyes is glowing red, like a Hellhound's, possibly suggesting that it is possessed. The film reel is on the bed.
The Next Map is "Five"
"Five" features four significant real-life figures from the Cold War era:
John F. Kennedy - 35th President of the United States (1961–1963)
Robert McNamara - U.S. Secretary of Defense. (1961–1968)
Fidel Castro - Prime Minister of Cuba (1959–1976), President of Cuba (1976–2008)
Richard Nixon - U.S. Presidential Candidate (1960), 37th President of the United States (1969–1974)
In "Five" there are 3 floors. On the first floor there are two rooms.
This room contains 4 windows and two sections of wall that can be broken down. It contains the Quick Revive machine and a telephone required for the musical easter egg. It also contains a teleporter (active only after the 1st Floor power has been turned on), the Olympia, and M14 available for purchase off the wall, both for 500 points. In solo the Quick Revive will disappear after three are bought, effectively giving the player four "lives" as long as the player keeps returning to the machine. When the power is turned on, this room gets very dark, and the lights are either dimmed or flickering.
This room is the only one that connects to the starting room. It contains two windows and two sections of wall that can be broken down. It also contains the first elevator which takes the player down to the war room. This room also has Speed Cola, and an MPL available for purchase from the wall for 1000 points.
First Elevator
To access it, one must remove a barricade blocking it (costing 1000 points). Trips cost 250 points (both up and down). Zombies can get into the elevator to attack you and your teammates. There is little room to navigate in the elevator, so even a few zombies getting in can be devastating. With it being the small when a zombie attacks it can trap you into a corner, glitch inside the Player, and kill the Player. The flames that appear are getting rid of the already killed zombies inside the elevator.
2nd Floor
War Room
This room is the biggest actual room in the level, split into different sections. The first elevator takes the player to the top floor of the War Room which contains four windows, an MP5K and PM63 (1000 points each), and the Double Tap Root Beer machine. The player must then buy access to the bottom floor of the war room for 1000 points. The bottom floor is divided by two barriers that must be bought for 1250 points each. It also contains the Juggernog machine, a Stakeout (1500 points), and the second elevator that takes the player down to the lab area. This room is connected to the bunker and contains the four switches that must be flipped to decrease the DEFCON level to DEFCON 5, which makes all teleporters go to the Pack-A-Punch room/Panic Room. It also contains a teleporter. It also contains the trap box that can be placed in your inventory and later used in the top floor metal detectors. The top level of the War Room is the room where players are usually killed because occasionally someone won't guard a window, which will result in a break in. Smart players should have everyone take a window to stop this problem or (not recommended) elevator camp, just make sure everyone is in the elevator. Those in front can crouch and take care of the big mess while the two behind them and clean up and revive if necessary.
The bottom level of the war room can be taken care of easily if you stay together. Buy/Clear the two barriers and walk out of the zombies reach in a circle, all the zombies will bunch up in a horde making it easier and faster to kill them. It is recommended not to run (L3) while doing this as it ruins the cycle and the horde will divide.
Second Elevator
This elevator is much larger than the first and has a window on each level to make camping in the elevator more difficult. It also faces different ways depending on which level it's on. This elevator, like the first, cost 250 points to use between trips. Zombies can swarm players in this elevator easily as well. If several zombies become trapped in the elevator between floors it is possible to run around them in circles until the doors open again, assuming you have Juggernog.3rd Floor
Lab Area
This area is made up of hallways and rooms and is accessed by the elevator from the War Room. It contains the power switch and a telephone required for the musical easter egg. Once the Lab Area is accessed, gas zombies will spawn (only while a player is in the Lab Area), teleporters and Perk-a-Cola machines will be activated, the DEFCON level can be changed, and the path to the Bunker is available. The area itself contains several teleporters. The M16 and the AK-74u (1200 points each) can also be purchased in the Lab Area.
Testing Room
This room seems to have been a testing room as there is a live pig hanging from a crane which can be killed and some human corpses, very similar to the Nova 6 test subjects in Rebirth(Implying America got hold of Nova 6 and Reznov was correct that whoever got hold of Nova 6 would still use it). Claymores and a Mystery Box spawn are located here. It also contains two windows, and several doors. Also, one of the bodies in the room is confirmed as Sgt. Roebuck from Call of Duty: World at War.
Weapons Testing Room
This room seems to be used for Testing, as there is an unusable Winter's Howl, Thundergun and a Death Machine. There is one Mystery Box spawn and the Bowie Knife is located in there. This room is closer to the Teleporters that return them to the same floor level of the Labs, albeit on the other side of the Labs. One of the trap pieces can be found in a locker in this room.
Conference Room/Sanctum/Panic Room/Pack-A-Punch Room
The 115 Clearance Room is attached to the War Room and can be accessed once the power is turned on and DEFCON switches are increased to 5. It contains one of the telephones required for the musical easter egg and the Pack-a-Punch Machine. It also contains two windows and a teleporter. It is seen in the Level U.S.D.D. when Mason talks to John F. Kennedy.
Marine Raiders (Tank Dempsey), Red Army (Nikolai Belinski), Imperial Army (Takeo Masaki), Wehrmacht (Doctor Edward Richtofen)
Abandoned Soviet Cosmodrome
Ascension is the eighth Zombie map that appears in the Call of Duty series, which was released on February 1, 2011 for Call of Duty Black Ops on the Xbox 360 and will be released a month later on the PS3 and PC. A release date has yet to be given for the Wii. It takes place in an abandoned Soviet Cosmodrome. The map includes Tank Dempsey, Nikolai Belinski, Takeo Masaki, and Edward Richtofen and includes new weapons like the Gersch Device and Matryoshka Dolls, as well as new perks such as PhD Flopper and Stamin-Up. A new enemy (space monkeys) also appears in this map, replacing the Hellhounds and the Pentagon Thief.
Off-Wall Weapons:
Sickle (Replaces regular knife)
Mystery Box Weapons:
CZ75 (single or dual wield)
China Lake
Ballistic Knife
Ray Gun
Matryoshka Doll
Gersch Device
Power-Up Weapons:
Death Machine
Centrifuge Floor 1 - Door (750)
Centrifuge Floor 2 - Door (750)
Stairwell Floor 3 / Base Level - Door (1250)
Lunar Lander B [ Б ] Access Door (1250)
Lunar Lander D [ Д ] Access Gate (1250)
Lunar Lander F [ Ф ] Access Gate (1000)
Lunar Lander F [ Ф ] Access Door (1250)
Pack-A-Punch Access Gate (1250)
Power Room Door (1000)
Power Room Gate (1250)
Pack-a-Punch Machine
To gain access to the Pack-a-Punch Machine, you have to activate all lunar landers. Once you have ridden all three back to the Centrifuge Room, you can activate the rocket by pressing the button to the right of the power switch. After the rocket has taken off, the large doors to the underneath will open and the Pack-a-Punch Machine will be to the right. It costs 5000 points as usual. Unlike Kino der Toten and Five, players can stay in the Pack-a-Punch room for as long as they like. Also, there are zombie barricades in the room, most likely to prevent players from camping there.
PerksEdit Perks sectionEdit
Ascension features two new perks, both costing 2000 points. Double Tap Root Beer, however, does not make an appearance.
PhD Flopper; located outside near a Lunar Lander launch pad. This perk makes the player drop a small 'nuke' when diving to prone (so long as the dive would normally cause the player damage). The 'nuke' kills all nearby zombies. In addition, you don't recieve self damage as holding a grenade will no longer damage you. It also reduces splash damage that you may recieve from the Ray Gun.
Stamin-Up; located near the AK-74u, towards another Lunar Lander launch pad. This perk gives the player increased movement speed, similar to Marathon or Lightweight. Since Ascension is a rather large map, it is more useful than one might think, especially during Space Monkey rounds where a player may have to get to a Perk-a-Cola machine that is being attacked.
Note: There are 5 Perks-a-Cola Machines on this map, but the player is limited to only having 4 different perks at a time.
Space Monkey
Space monkeys are in fact the hellhound and Pentagon Thief round replacement. Similar to how the Pentagon Thief has the ability to steal a player's weapon, space monkeys have the ability to remove player's perks. This is done not by directly stealing a perk, as is the case with weapon stealing with the doctor, rather, the space monkeys navigate their way to one of the Perk-a-Cola machines that any player may have. Players can tell which perk machine is being attacked by paying attention to their perk symbols, at the bottom left of the screen; while a perk machine is under attack its respective symbol will begin pulsating. It is recomended that the team split up to individual perk machines and defend the machines. When playing solo, it is best to defend the perk most valued at the time. After the monkeys temporarily disable the machine all players with the perk will be subject to lose the disabled perk. Defending the perk machine under attack by killing the monkeys is the only way to prevent the perk loss. Also, after the death of the last monkey, just like with the Pentagon Theif and hellhound rounds, a max ammo drops; however, a new power up drops as well, which assigns a random perk to each player in the party. The new powerup only appears if you finish the monkey round without ANY damage to the perk machines you made purchases from. They will attack players from a few feet away by jumping on the ground as well as hitting the player normally when close. Also be careful while throwing grenades at monkeys as they can and will throw them back at you.
Node Puzzle
The man speaking at the beginning is actually giving the players a mission to complete the node puzzle to repair the Kassimir Mechanism. Once the mechanism is repaired, the players will each get death machines that last for ninety seconds.
Kassimir Mechanism
The Kassimir Mechanism is a device in the zombie map Ascension. It is found by completing several objectives to divert power to the mechanism. Its existence is proven by the Russian man that speaks of it needing repairs at the beginning of a zombie round in Ascension.
To activate the mechanism, the player must have a full party and must complete each objective in order.
- The first objective is to throw a Gersch Device outside the map near a generator (it can be found near one of the lunar lander areas and a large oil truck.) The generator will be sucked in, and if close enough, a Russian voice will announce that power has been diverted to the mechanism, followed by the Russian man saying the player must power it up.
- The second objective is to go to the TV near where claymores are bought and turn it on. This will prompt another Russian voice announcing power was diverted, and the Russian man saying something about the girl getting closer.
- The third objective is to hit all 4 buttons that appear near each perk machine (except for the Quick Revive). NOTE: This may only be done during a monkey round, and all 4 buttons must be pressed at the same time, meaning 4 players is recommended, but 3 or less can be used.
- The fourth objective requires for the rocket to have been launched. All players must wait by the clock across from the Pack-a-Punch room, all players must be a little bit away from the clock and wait for a few minutes until the clock (which actually has a ballistic knife as the second-hand) counts down from the 12 position to 12 again counter-clockwise. After this is completed, the Russian voice again says power diverted, and the Russian man applauds the players saying that they are almost there. NOTE: All players must stand under the raised pad in the center of the room, they may move during the 2 minutes but not from under the pad.
- The fifth objective is by far the easiest; the player must simply travel on the Lunar Lander from the main base to a few of the sub-bases and collect 4 letters: L, U, N, and A, which spell LUNA (moon in Russian). Once done, the Russian man will say that the Mechanism is active. NOTE: there are actually 12 letters that can be received, but the 8 besides L U N and A are useless.
- To spell LUNA, the player must go from the main base to the station near Stamin-Up, back to the main area, then to the station near Speed Cola, and finally back to Stamin-Up, which spells LUNA.
- Note: The letters can only be seen if one player calls the lander to the specific pad.
The final result can be seen by going back to near where the player buys claymores, and can end one of two ways. When the player goes by the large cylinder that resembles an escape-pod, they will see four lights shining from it, all converging on one small area a few feet from it. This area is the final objective to unlocking the reward of the Kassimir Mechanism; however, it is also the hardest to achieve.
Final Objective
If a player throws down a Gersch Device on the small area of light, the Russian man will say there isn't enough power for the Mechanism to work.
To actually power the Mechanism up enough, you need the following:
- 4 players with Pack-a-Punched weapons.
- 1 player should have a Zeus Cannon, 1 or 2 players with Pack-A-Punched Ray Guns, and 1 or 2 (depending on how many have ray guns) players with a Pack-a-Punched weapon like a crossbow. 1 player should also have Dolls and a Gersch Device.
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